
today i am thankful for...friends

Erin just left after a night of Due Date and blogging lessons.  I couldn't have asked for better friends.

I have a friend that...calls me to tell me HE'S NOT MARRIED! and I know "he" is Sufjan.  (That's us at the concert above.)

I have a friend that...asks me to sew a button onto his suit.

I have a friend that...makes me laugh all through English (even though she's not the only one--much to her dismay).

I have a friend that...texts me from across the country to talk Gossip Girl and Christmas shopping.

I have a friend that...makes the best chocolate peanut butter vegan cupcakes I have ever tasted.

I have a friend that...makes the best holiday mix CDs this world has ever known.

And I also have a friend that...teaches me how to make pro snowflakes during French.

What more could I ask for?  ....Uhh duh, Sufjan growing 18 years younger for me, that's what.

But really, not much more than that.

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