
gift guide: for the whimsical world traveler

It's that time of the year again--Christmas crafting and shopping.  It's my favorite time of the year, and it's never too early to start holiday planning (words to live by), so I'm starting a gift guide series of Make/Buy alternatives.

Make:  A travel journal.  Documenting your adventures is crucial.  To give your favorite traveler the gift of personal reflection, find a cheap plain journal and decorate it.  Include crafty additions like stickers and paper so he or she is ready to journal.  Don't forget to include instructions on how to keep the journal.  If you're feeling extra spendy, include a disposable camera. For tips on travel journals, go here and here.

Buy:  World Class Cookie Cutter Set.  Not only is this adorable, but it's a sweet reminder of travels past when you're home.
I'm excited to post more of these!  If you have any suggestions of types of people to do guides for, let me know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love travel journals, and art journals in general. I made on for the Seattle trip. LOVE IT.